Policy Of Love (Depeche Mode|Robin Stone)
Ouch Mashups!
Ouch Mashups!
Thanks. The delays in the 2nd verse of the vocals were already there. The outro I did create, But it doesn't sound good to me. It was 3:00am and I needed some sleep. I will fix it to my liking someday. Thanks for the kind words my friend.
Cor van Spaendonck
Love the fit in vocals and synth for instance @2:35 and that you leave the instrumental room to breathe by not putting the vocal 'EVERYWHERE'. Also some great delays on the vocal @1:46 and outro that I don't remember from the original and thus were made by you ? And I like the long instrumental intro, it's good to mix and gives listeners a nice surprise when another vocal than the expected Robin kicks in. And a good find on another instrumental version of Show Me Love. And finally someone shows/honors Robin's last name ! Great work.